Friday, December 31, 2010

Show & Tell: My 2011 (and a recap of 2010)

Erica's last theme for December - and the last theme of 2010 - is My 2011: expectations, dreams, wishes, resolutions. I thought I'd summarise my 2010 first and then tell you about my expectations for 2011 at the end. The "show" part of the post is in the links!

This year's (2010)...

Finding out we were pregnant!

The pregnancy, though it hasn't been that difficult, rather the opposite. Maybe flat hunting then, a project which has not delivered yet.
Sarah Dawn Finer's song for the royal wedding; illustrates the love between Peter and me this year as well

Eight heavenly days in the Maldives, which turned out to be our engagement trip

...hip hip hooray
A proposal and a yes
A blue line on a plastic stick (such a surprise at the time, albeit a happy one)
A wedding

Belly Dancer

Fruitless flat hunting, though frustrating and fun at the same time

My red Hunter wellies book
Haven't read much this year unfortunately so among the 10 or so books I have read, definitely "At Home" by Bill Bryson

My new bike

Experiencing the wait for the little one together with Peter

...TV moment
The Royal Wedding or the Football World Cup

From not really knowing where Peter and I stood at the beginning of the year to getting engaged, pregnant and married!
Saw very few films at the cinema but of those, "Toy Story 3"

...daily joy
Waking up next to my soulmate. And playing with my iPhone :)

That I have had such a sail-through pregnancy, except for the morning sickness but many have it much worse

...greatest expectation
Waiting nine months for our mini-me

...greatest disappointment
Not finding that dream flat yet

...greatest joy
Constant fascination with being pregnant

...greatest "I wish more had happened this year"
I go on and on about it, it seems, but I would have wanted to moved to something bigger

...most wonderful weekend
Not a weekend maybe, more like Sunday-Monday, but our wedding and the stay at Grand Hotel including spa, breakfast and dinner leading up to us tying the knot

How this workoholic will manage being "just" a mum for a while
Pontus where we went for my surprise birthday dinner in January or Lydmar where we enjoyed a pre-wedding dinner

...hardest and saddest
My grandmother passing away, my grandfather being ill and one of best friend's still being ill for a second year (though it looks like they are onto something now) party
Our New Year's party (though technically that was the last hours of 2009 and early hours of 2010), or Peter's birthday party in April (also attended five weddings this year but I think our parties beat them! ;) Maybe because at three of the weddings I was busy trying to hide my pregnancy...

The iPhone

...personal greatest success
Love and family life in order! :)

The Maldives and also our UK roadtrip in the summer. Experiencing different stages of the pregnancy from May onwards. And our wedding of course!

...forgot to do (deviance from normal behaviour)
Didn't read as many books I wanted to and had planned to do

...greatest lesson
There's no such thing as a "safe" period of the month - and we're very happy for the "mistake"! :)

Travelling and baby stuff (but not that bad as we have very generous friends - only expensive purchase is the pushchair) people
New colleagues at work including a new boss who's plain cool and down-to-earth

...most romantic of the year
Peter surprising me with a day of luxury for my birthday. And treating me to breakfast in bed throughout months of morning sickness.

Thoughts and wishes for 2011
* That we have a healthy baby and our transition to parenthood is smooth and happy
* That we find and are able to buy that dream flat

- Read more
- Get back in shape post-pregnancy
- Scan all childhood photos and make more photo books
- Use my KitchenAid regularly, especially for baking bread
- Actually finish embroidery projects
- Apply for a new job

Previous years' annals: 2007 and 2008 (apparently I didn't do one for 2009??)


  1. Tänk vilket innehållsrikt år ni haft detta 2010! otroligt!
    Hoppas nu att ert 2011 blir ett lika fantastiskt år! Det blir ert första som föräldrar! Kommer bli otroligt intressant och roligt att få följa er på den resan via din blogg. om du nu väljer att fortsätta blogga om detta såklart :-)
    GOTT NYTT!!!
    Stor kram och om den Lillae kommer innan vi hinner höras igen här på bloggen så önskar jag er Lycka till!!!

  2. Ojoj, vad mycket ni hunnit under året!

    Önskar er ett riktigt fint 2011 och hoppas och tror att det kommer bli en riktigt bra start på det när Belly Dancer anländer. Lycka till och njut av att vara hemma. Det kommer säkert bli bra!


  3. Miranda

    I got my At Home book signed by Bill on the boat! Still haven't read it,but have read most of his others and liked them. Nice year you have had!

  4. Du har verkligen hunnit med mycket under 2010. Och många roliga saker. Gott Nytt År!

  5. Fantastiskt välarbetat inlägg och vilket fint år du har haft. Nu önskar jag att ditt nästa år blir ännu bättre när det också kommer en ny liten människa till er och världen!

    God fortsättning och lycka till!

  6. Saltistjejen - Ja, det har hänt mycket! Och 2011 kommer säkerligen vara lika innehållsrikt fast på ett annat sätt och med annat innehåll :) Såklart jag kommer fortsätta blogga! Inga hemligheter här :)

    Inga känningar än så det kommer nog dröja minns till det beräknade datumet tror jag! Fast vad vet jag egentligen! :)

    Gott nytt år! Kram!

    Fröken Anki - Det har blivit en del. En vecka i Nice glömde jag nämna också. Och så möhippor för vänner och mycket annat!

    Lycka till ni också! Det kommer ju bli ett mycket spännande år för er också även om det dröjer ett tag innan er lilla pojke tittar ut!

    Det ska faktiskt bli spännande just detta att vara "hemmafru" ett tag. Jag menar den upplevelsen förutom att vara mamma och ta hand om en bebis som också kommer att vara helt nytt såklart!


    Miranda - Cool! I would love to meet Bill Bryson!

    It's been a good year!

    Anne-Marie - Ett år är ju ändå ganska långt så en hel del hinns med! Skönt att det är mest roligt i alla fall även om skett några tråkiga saker också. Gott nytt år!

    Pettas - Tack! Jag höll på med inlägget ett tag även om jag fuskade lite med att återanvända frågorna/kategorierna från tidigare år :) 2011 blir ett bra år också tror jag! :) Hoppas det blir lika bra för er även om annat innehåll :)

    Gott nytt år!

  7. Ett händelserikt år, med händelser som sträcker sig låååångt in i framtiden. Härligt! Håller tummarna för att ni snart får en passande, nytt hem och att ert 2011 blir fantastiskt!
