Saturday, April 16, 2011

Last Day

Time to go home tomorrow. As always, mixed feelings, but in the end, home sweet home, or "borta bra men hemma bäst" (away is good but home is best), as we say in Sweden.

Today we took it very easy. Ventured out around noon, walked down to the port, past the war monument.

Before strolling a last time on the Promenade and through the old town we had moules (of course) at one of the restaurants in the harbour. Isolde was a bit cranky though but luckily we were seated outside where baby cries get muffled in all the other noise.

On our way home we stocked up on olive oil and tried the local specialty socca, a chickpea pancake.

And, today was Peter's birthday but in the midst of all the Christening preparations and other stuff over the last couple of weeks I forgot to buy him a gift! Despite us talking about his birthday several times! Maybe "pregnancy/nursing brain" does exist?! Lucky me he took it well!

Via Anna's iPhone


  1. Alltid en splittrad känsla när man är på väg hem... Skönt på ett sätt även om gärna hade kanske stannat några dagar till.
    Tur att det blev musslor innan "månaderna-utan-r" började ;-)

  2. Precis, några dagar till hade varit trevligt men ändå okej att åka hem till lite rutin. Haha, ja, jag tänkte också på det men undra om det inte var viktigare förr när det inte fanns kylmöjligheter på samma sätt? Fast det ska väl handla om vattentemperaturen i havet iofs men den har väl ändå blivit varmare?
