Monday, October 20, 2008

Show & Tell: If I Were a Celebrity, I Would...

...probably both love and hate it.


  • People would listen to what I had to say (provided I wasn't a B-celebrity or was infamous rather than famous)
  • As a result I would have power of sorts (and I wouldn't be using it in the wrong way)
  • I would probably have enough money to live where I wanted and travel when and where I wanted, especially to secluded places to get away
  • If my celebrity status was the same as my financial status, I would also have enough money to help both family and friends and people around the world and causes I found important. I would welcome invitations to participate in good things
  • I would have access to the best designers, hairdressers, make-up artists, etc. and consequently look perfect all the time
  • I would be invited to movie premieres and other exciting mingling opportunities
  • I would have the chance to meet, and even be friends with, famous people and would get the trash first-hand and not from gossip sites


  • People would take my photograph everywhere I went and I would be followed around by paparazzi, especially if I were an American celebrity. This would be especially hard on me if I was dating a new person or had children
  • I would constantly worry that someone would kidnap my children (perhaps not as much if I was "just" famous in Sweden because here celebrities tend to be left alone and can live more incognito)
  • There would be a higher risk that I got a divorce. At least it seems that way in the celebrity world*. I would have to work hard on making my marriage work, especially with all the rumours, gossip, paparazzi, etc., but also because I assume I would be working quite a lot some of the time (see Why I would be famous below).
  • I would worry about how my family and other people close to me were doing. Life is difficult anyway: relationships, marriage, having enough time for your family, etc., and as a celebrity it must be even harder with so many more people involved in your life in a way. It must really wear and tear on you.
  • I would be asked to participate in numerous TV shows such as Stars on Ice, Let's Dance and cooking programmes
  • People would ask for favours and want things from me

I guess my conclusion is that there are more disadvantages to being a celebrity than vice versa, at least when it comes to the stuff that counts.

The Swedish actor Eva Röse appears to have a sound attitude to celebrityhood: she goes to her own premieres (obviously) and does interviews in both print or broadcast media if it is related to her work, but she does not participate in game shows or Let's Dance or similar types of TV shows with celebrities. Many people call her boring and unpleasant for it but she asks why should she use precious time that for most people is devoted to family and friends, to do those kind of things, and for what purpose? An attitude that is to be commended in my view.

Why would I be famous - I'm not very good at singing or acting so to be realistic it would probably be because I was a politician or a successful business woman. Who knows, maybe it was because I had a very read blog hahaha! Blogging is in many respects an ego thing. Not that I want to become famous for my writing here - actually I quite enjoy knowing that many of my friends and colleagues don't even know I have this blog - but of course I enjoy having people read what I write. But about 200 visitors a week is sufficient for my ego needs!

But if I were a specific now living famous person I would apparently be

What celebrity would you be if you where famous?
Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie
You are two people at the same time: the stophisticated, goodhearted spirit and the wild soul that wants to have fun, and live a crazy and full life. You would be like Angelina Jolie if you went famous (concidering your personality, it would probably happen over a night). you would feel responsible for the whole world, and give a lot of time and money for charity. Thoughyou'd sometimes act irresposible in your OWN life, wich can lead to some trouble...

Take the quiz!

* I think it is very sad that Madonna and Guy Ritchie are getting divorced. After having been married for over seven years I thought they were on track to be in it for the long haul.


  1. Nej, ska de skiljas!? Det var trist tycker jag med... Tycker också att Eva Röse verkar smart, fattar inte varför man vill vara med på en massa tjafs jämt...

  2. Skolfröken - Visst är det trist! Man borde inte engagera sig i kändisar som man inte känner men det blir ändå så när det liksom är Madonna.

    Jag måste ju erkänna att jag kollar på t ex Stjärnor på is men om man tänker efter så är det helt sjukt att de gör allt de gör. Fast å andra sidan är de ju en liten industri av något slag och liksom andra "företag" tjänar de pengar på kringtjänster. Om man ska tänka krasst.

  3. Hur kan man tycka att Eva Röse är tråkig och otrevligt för att hon inte ställer upp på en massa kändisjippon? Det är väl ingen regel som säger att man måste göra det bara för att man är "kändis". Men visst, i Sverige kanske man inte alltid tjänar en massa pengar på att vara sk kändis, och därför måste vara med i Stjärnor på is etc för att få in en inkomst mellan filmer etc. Jag tror faktiskt att det kan vara ganska tufft att vara skådis i Sverige, om man inte heter Persbrandt eller Helena Bergström som är med i var och varannan svensk film - man kan antagligen inte räkna med en stadig inkomst!
    Sorry att jag inte var med på fredagstemat i fredags, nya tag denna veckan...

  4. Petra - Håller med. Kändisar måste ju få ha ett eget liv också och få bestämma över det själva. Personligen tycker jag att Stjärnor på is är kul (förutom de usla programledarna) men jag skulle titta på det om det var "vanliga" människor som försökte lära sig konståkning också. Men du har nog rätt vad gäller inkomster. De får ju inga Hollywood-löner precis så antar att vissa måste ställa upp på jippon för de behöver pengarna. Undra förresten om de får betalt när de pratar i morgon-TV-soffan om ditt och datt (dvs när det inte är del av promotandet av en av deras filmer)?

    Ingen fara vad gäller fredagstemat! Jag har långt från gjort alla teman det här året.
