Thursday, September 03, 2009

Ikea Uproar

Apparently Ikea has upset the world, well, at least a few thousand fans, by changing the font in this year's catalogue. From the picture in the article I, despite being Swedish and all, can't see the difference but granted, I haven't looked inside the catalogue.

According to the article, the Ikea catalogue could also be the world's most printed book. Of its kind, I guess, since I wouldn't call it a book as such. But okay, could be.


  1. Oh I love getting the latest crisp copy of the Ikea catalogue. Makes me wanna throw all my furniture out and buy new! I wonder what the hubby would think about that! Tehe!

  2. Harley's World - We have said no to advertising material (sticker on our mailbox) so we don't get the Ikea catalogue unfortunately. You can order it for free from their website but I usually forget it. But maybe I will go and do that right away before I forget again! :) But I know the feeling you describe!

  3. Detta visste inte den gamle älmhultarn, det måste undersökas närmare! ;)

  4. Emmama - Du får ta och undersöka katalogen så fort du kan! Och kanske skriva under uppropet! ;)

  5. Hmmm interesting. Definitely worth a trip to our own local Ikea store to pick up a catalogue. Somebody told me the Ikea in KL is the biggest in South East Asia. Possibly true, cos we have a lot of build on. Plus I get tired out after a day spent there. Any chance of a picture of the real-deal in Sweden?

  6. Edina - Do that and then let me know! :) (since I don't have one myself) It sounds like it could be true that Ikea in KL is South East Asia's biggest. So you want pics from a Ikea in Stockholm?! :)

  7. Haha, det märkte jag inte ens, men det ska föras vidare till den upprörda - att hon inte är ensam...

  8. Leopardia - Du får rapportera vad hon sa :)

  9. Jo, men Klas har sagt någonting sånt, att katalogen är den trycksak som har störst upplaga i världen eller liknande. Alltså inte bok utan just trycksak, tror jag. Han sover just nu (kom hem halv fyra i morse från Rumänien och har gått och lagt sig igen), men jag ska fråga honom sen när han vaknar. Och det där med fonten skrev jag under Billy-index : )


  10. PS. I will ask my husband which is the biggest store in the world, for Edina Monsoon. But I think it is the one in Stockholm, in Kungens Kurva. Not sure though.

  11. Marianne - Precis, det måste ju vara det de menar men jag kom inte på just då vad trycksak heter.

    I'm sure Edina would be very happy if you found out for her!
