Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Pregnancy Diaries 1

My most recent visit with the midwife was yesterday (with less than eight weeks left I have started going at two-week intervals and towards the end it will be every week) and here's a little status report, if you're interested :)

- I'm smack in the middle on the belly growth curve (I aim for Swedish lagom), right now 31 cm if that says anything??
- Okay iron levels but need to continue taking supplements, which I've been doing since week 8
- Blood pressure 105/60, which is low and hence good
- Weight 71 kg, which means I've now gained 11-12 kg during this pregnancy. I have never ever weighed more than 70 kg so it was a bit scary* when I first saw this number glaring at me on the scale but I have got used to it now :)

- Average heart rate 150 (at previous visit it has varied between 140 and 150)
- And most exciting, the baby's head is now down. I think s/he turned around properly a few days ago because in the last few days I can really feel him/her under my ribs (and I know now that's her/his little butt or back).

I'm been keeping a diary since the start of the pregnancy, well, it was a bit of a slow start so I've only written regularly since week 20 or so, i.e half-way through the pregnancy. Some highlights:

8 May - Started thinking "hmm, I should have got my period by now..." I made this entry after the fact obviously.

9 May - Really started thinking "what if I'm pregnant?!". Talked to Peter and we decided to buy a pregnancy test the next day.

10 May - Bought a pregnancy test after work. Can't believe I waited all day because I could just think of one thing, but I wanted to take the test with Peter. Was really thinking "it can't be" but hoping so much it would be so!

The test was positive! Was really, really surprised, couldn't believe it was true even if part of me had known since realising my period was late (which it never is otherwise), and felt so happy and excited (and scared) I was shaking! Peter reacted just right - hugged and kissed me and said "congratulations". It felt like he took it more natural than me (but later he's told me that he probably didn't really comprehend how huge it was and is.)

22 May - Mum's birthday - called and gave her the best (?) birthday present ever :) (Would have told her in person if it wasn't for Peter's sister's wedding the same day.)

1 June - First visit to the midwife at week 8+1

End of May/early June - Morning sickness started (can't remember exact date)

13-15 June - Experienced first hand that morning sickness and migraine is not a great combination!

12 July - First ultrasound scan at week 14+0 (but we thought at the time that I was at 13+2). Wonderful to see that it's actually something in there. The baby was so cute and we took a very good and clear picture home with us. The risk of chromosomal abnormalities was 1/20,000, which is the lowest possible risk - hope it's correct! - and everything else looked normal too! (As I have a brother with a mental disability, not due to a chromosomal abnormality though, I have been a bit extra worried but I try not to think about it too much.)

30 July - Felt the baby inside me for the first time, little butterflies or flutters (week 16+4)

3-10 August - I felt the baby kicking for the first time (and then it doesn't stop :) (week 17-18)

18 August - Second ultrasound. All was well! The doctor went over the whole baby - limbs, spine, head including the brain and the face, and all internal organs (kidneys, liver, heart, etc.). We could see the heart beat and she zoomed in on the heart to see that the chambers and valves were healthy and intact. It's so cool that it's possible to see that much detail! The pictures turned out so-so as our little one first moved around too much and then fell asleep!

We also found out that my placenta is positioned at the back of the uterus and the baby in front. This can apparently vary from woman to woman and from pregnancy to pregnancy, as it depends on where the egg attaches itself after conception. Women with the placenta towards the back usually feel the baby earlier and more during pregnancy. Me likey! I had no clue of these variations before I was pregnant!

The due date was adjusted from 14 to 9 January.

20 August - Both Peter and I could actually see the baby kick, i.e. on the outside of my belly (week 19+4).

21 August - Peter felt the baby kick for the first time - he has always been "too late" before :)

22 August - The feeling of having a constant companion is getting stronger and stronger. I never sleep alone. My little friend.

23 August - Threw up** before breakfast, I really thought morning sickness would be long gone by now at week 20+0. My morning sickness had got a little bit better during August but was still very much a fact. Weighed in at 64.5 kg. First signs of pregnancy related nose problems in the form of very light nosebleed. Apologies for the details!

That was the first 20 weeks! Next 12-13 weeks coming soon!

* Though it was even scarier when I weighed in at 66.6 kg for almost a whole week a while back; the devil inside me? ;)
** I've been able to manage my morning sickness pretty well by having Peter bring me breakfast in bed for months on end. That way I have "only" vomited twice a week or three times at most.


  1. Vad roligt att läsa. Själv skrev jag ingen dagbok eller så. Kanske dumt, men det blev bara inte så. Har även varit rätt slarvig med sådant efter E´s födsel vilket kanske är tråkigt. Jaja, det är som det är. Att barnet och moderkakan ligger olika i livmodern visste jag och antog att jag hade tvärtom mot dig eftersom jag började känna E väldigt sent. Tror inte förrän runt v 20 eller så. Sedan fick vi ju vårt lite "scary" ulttraljud i den vevan ungefär. Men det blev ju bra ändå till slut. Haha, tänkte på att du har mindre än en vecka kvar innan du är lika långt/kort gången som jag när E kom ut. Vattnet gick ju när jag var 33+1. Sedan kom hon 33+3!!
    Stor kram!

  2. Saltistjejen - Jag kom igång lite sent (och har därför skrivit en del i efterhand ur minnet) men jag tänkte iaf försöka vara "duktig" under den här graviditeten och även efter födseln. Men antar att det blir svårare med ev. flera barn :) Men du har ju bloggen och den är ju faktiskt som en dagbok även om du kanske inte skrev detaljer om när du spydde och så :)

    Vad var det för "scary" ultraljud ni hade? Jag har missat eller glömt det? Eller det ringer någon klocka men minns inte exakt.

    Ja, tänk att E föddes ungefär nu! Min chefs svägerska födde nyligen barn nästan 10 veckor för tidigt och samma chefs kollega fick sex veckor för tidigt. Så man vet aldrig! Det är i alla fall skönt att veta att det troligen går väldigt bra även om barnet skulle födas nu!


  3. Vad kul att läsa dina erfarenheter o jämföra med mina egna! :)

    Jag mådde illa på morgonen härom dagen, helt udda, trodde verkligen det skulle vara över nu! Min placenta (gud vad pinsamt, jag kommer inte ens ihåg vad heter på svenska) ligger framför bebisen så jag kände sparkarna lite senare. Jag visste inte heller att det varierande, men det har jag lärt mig nu! :D

  4. Kul att läsa. Och skönt att du verkar må så bra ändå.

  5. Marie - Snart kommer ett nytt avsnitt så då kan du jämföra mera :) Jag kräktes härom dagen och nu var det LÄNGE sedan jag gjorde det. Superkonstigt.

    Placenta är moderkaka :)

    Västmanländskan - Idag när jag gick hem från jobbet i ganska rask takt var första gången jag kände av lite i ryggen men jag hoppas det bara var en engångsgrej. Ska försöka tänka på att inte svanka för mycket. Men annars mår jag jättebra som tur är. Hoppas det blir samma för dig!
