Saturday, May 21, 2005

Swedish Lesson

I want to introduce you to How to learn Swedish in 1000 difficult lessons. Thought it would be a good way for you, my international friends (and other foreign visitors to my blog), to learn Swedish. Here's the author's intro:

"Francis Strand is a 44-year-old American magazine editor living in Stockholm. He is married to a Swedish man, which is legal in Sweden, more or less. The two met in Barcelona in July 1998 and were married in June 2000. Strand has 'a high opinion of Swedes'. Although he loves the country and people, his attempts to become fluent in Swedish have been less than successful."

I especially find the "more or less" comment intriguing...


  1. I prefer my scared deer look in foreign countries. People immediately switch to English without you uttering a word and treat you like the incompetent retard that you are. But at least you get your latte and Swedish cookies, etc.,

  2. Ah, cookies... they're the little sweet round things I used to have with my coffee, right?

    No amount of lessons is ever going to make me able to pronounce the Swedish word for hospital.

  3. what's the Atkins solution for cookies? Do they churn out meat cookies?

  4. I suppose you could eat beef jerky.

    In Phase Three you learn to bake using ground-up nuts to replace the flour (I've done this and it's delicious as well as good for you). Eventually in the Lifetime Maintenance Phase, you can consider the odd bit of wholemeal or oat cookie.

    Oat Cookies.... Homer Simpsonesque drool....
