In the last couple of years several places that fixes iPhones (and other smartphones/touchscreen phones but many are specialised in iPhones/iPads/iPods) have cropped up (well, not by chance; the opposite really as it's pretty good business! And they provide jobs to loads of young people.). I went to the cheapest place I could find in town ,, which charges 699 SEK. I think there are places in the suburbs that charge 500 SEK or even less but I didn't feel like going out there maybe only to find a dodgy phone shop?
It says on iPhonereparation's website that they fix your phone within 24 hours but the turnaround is actually two hours (and 30 minutes if you pay extra). You drop it off, get a receipt and then pick it up after two hours or later and pay upon pick-up. Efficient. They have a 90-day guarantee as well (which I assume doesn't apply if I drop it on the ground again but only if the new screen falls off or similar).
Once there I found out that if I promised to blog about them they'd give me a 10% discount (making the total 629 SEK). I jumped on the offer course. So if you've dropped your phone in the loo or cracked your screen like me, iPhonereparation is the place to go! :)
Synd att de inte har en shop här i Älmhult, för om ett par månader ska jag köpa en. Det är min belöning för att jag har slutat röka, så när jag har sparat ihop till en får jag köpa den. : )
Marianne - Finns säkert någon där som kan reparera ändå, eller så får du åka till en annan större stad i närheten. Men många av de här reparationsställena kan man också skicka in telefonen till. Men förhoppningsvis går din inte sönder på ett bra tag! Kram!