Saturday, August 07, 2010

Returned to the Maldives?

Today was spent at the beach in Beaulieu-sur-Mer (we went there two days ago too but after only two hours it started raining - went shopping instead!). Beaulieu, like many towns on the Côte d'Azur, are located at the foot of the mountains, which makes for dramatic scenery. But if it wasn't for the mountain, you'd think we were back in the Maldives.

Via Anna's iPhone


  1. Å, det ser riktigt skönt ut!

  2. Skolfröken & Marianne- Det var både najs och skönt! :) Idag hade vi desto mer moln men det gjorde inte så mycket. Idag var vi i San Remo, Italien, för lite ytterligare omväxling.

