Sunday, June 22, 2008

Show & Tell: 5 O'Clock

This week's Friday theme is 5 o'clock. When I read Victoria's choice of topic for 20 June I immediately thought of: leaving work at 5 pm. I'm one of the lucky ones working 9-5; actually only 7 hours a day as my working day includes a one hour lunch break (usually that's not the case in Sweden). And due to some access restrictions in my particular part of the building I have to keep these hours. I can come in at 8 or 8.30 but I rarely work beyond 6 pm because if I do I need to find a colleague with higher security clearance who can stay with me.

I'm actually most productive in the afternoon but at 4pm I start looking at my watch, or the work desktop clock. At 4.30 pm I start "closing up the shop", clearing my desk a little bit and making neat piles of paper instead of the regular 9-5 chaos, checking if I have done what really needs to be out of the way that particular day. Then I go to the kitchen and put all the glasses and cups that have some way accumulated on my desk during the day in the dishwasher. Peter usually calls and we talk about what we're having for dinner and who will stop by the food store on the way home, or where we're meeting if we're doing something else after work. I only have a 15-minute walk from work to home, so most days if I'm not doing anything particular after work I will go home and have a snack and watch some sitcoms and surf the Internet until Peter comes back around 6 pm. I like this time of the day, winding down after work, having some me- time before it's time to cook dinner and do whatever needs to be done that day in terms of chores - laundry, ironing, hoovering or what have you .

Since I don't start work until 9 and I live only 15 minutes from work I don't need to get up until 7.15 or 7.30, which means that I'm very rarely up at 5 am. Sometimes I wake up around 5, especially this time a year when it hardly ever gets dark in Sweden, but I go back to sleep with a smile - another two hours of sleep, yes!

This feels like a very boring post but maybe 5 o'clock isn't very exciting! :)


  1. I dun think it's a boring post:)Gives us a insight into your daily life.The ironing at the end of the day bit is something I can't understand. Mine is done at the end of the week ONLY.

  2. Edina - Good to hear! :) I don't iron every day though! We usually do a big laundry every 10 days or every 2 weeks (on a weekday) and after that we have some ironing to do the following evening - in front of the TV. But you do yours on the weekend? If I do it on the weekend it's usually on a Sunday evening.

  3. I do mine on Friday evening...hang them ...leave them hanging until Sunday noon...where I'm wrecked with guilt ..and feel compelled to iron.

  4. Det låter faktiskt som ett härligt jobb! Jag förstår inte hur folk hinner äta på kortare tid än en timme i Sverige - det måste ju vara jättestressigt att slänga i sig lunchen på en halvtimme! Och att börja jobba redan kl 8, eller ännu tidigare skulle vara väldigt jobbigt för mig - i Bryssel började jag alltid kl 9, vilket var perfekt för morgontrötta mig...

  5. Petra - Jo, det är ganska skönt att ha det så så. Vad gäller lunchen så tar jag nog sällan en timme lunch dock. Ofta är det nog 20 min - vi går till vårt lilla fikarum eller sitter på terassen om vädret tillåter - men någon gång i veckan blir det lunch ute och då tar man ju kanske 1 1/2 timme eller mer. Så det kanske jämnar ut sig i slutet.

    Nu på sommaren skulle jag kunna tänka mig att jobba 8-4 men på vinte, usch nej! Jag gillar att sova och att ta mig tid på morgonen!
