Sunday, May 18, 2008

Abstaining from the Truth

In the early days of my blogging and reading other people's blogs, back in early 2005, my friend Nonna blogged about the abstinence education in Texas that had proven unsuccessful. In a comment to Nonna I cited a Swedish article on the topic, "Living in celibacy easier said than done":

"More and more Americans promise to abstain from sex before marriage, zealously supported by President Bush. But only every tenth keeps his/her promise.

Solemn promises of a life in celibacy until your wedding day ought to be quite difficult to demand of the drinkers at the clubs in Stockholm - and of the rest of Sweden. Statistics show that young Swedes on average make their sexual debut at 16. In the USA however, there is a nation-wide movement to persuade the youngest to practise abstinence. President Bush supports the work and Congress has assigned 131 million dollar to abstinence teaching. As a rule the debated is conducted with Christian characteristics. But the problems with teenage abortion, spread of HIV, and STDs have made a great deal of people outside of church listen. Since 1993 the movement True Love Waits has alone convinced 2,4 million young Americans to sign a promise of chastity:

'As a believe that true love waits, I commit before God, myself, my family, those I date and my future partner to remain sexually untouched until the day I enter into marriage'.

The effectiveness of the abstinence model is however strongly questioned by scientists. And many sexuality specialists believe that medical arguments can make more people wait than can promises to God. Especially if the promises are not kept anyway.

A new scientific report from the University of Columbia shows that 88 % of those who have given a promise of celibacy have not kept it. The frequency of STDs among these people was just short of as high as among those who had not promised to abstain. Those who broke their promises, quickly came even with the promise-free group by having many partners in a short period of time.A study at the A&M University in Bush's homestate Texas has showed a similar result. Among teenagers who have been taught abstention, the number of people making their sexual debut following the end of the course increased, in particular among the boys. The many young people getting pregnant in the USA are petitioned more and more firmly by abortion opponents. Around the country these organisations offer free ultrasounds in order to persuade women to reassess. Spokesmen claim that up to 90 % of these women have abandoned the thought of abortion after having undergone these examinations.

The abortion advocates accuse these clinics for leading the women to continue their pregnancies. At the same time these women do no get any information about contraceptives. Instead they are encourage to - exactly - abstain from sex."

I just read another article on the subject (from October 2007), by Amanda Robb at the New York Times, titled "Abstinence 1, S-Chip 0"

"DEMOCRATIC leaders are right to contest President Bush’s veto of their bill to expand the State Children’s Health Insurance program. But sadly, their “bipartisan compromise” will leave millions of young Americans vulnerable to sickness and suffering of the most preventable kind.

To entice Republicans to support the bill, the House of Representatives agreed to increase money for abstinence-only sex education by $28 million, to a total of about $200 million a year. Abstinence-only courses, the only form of federally financed sex ed, teach that sexual activity outside of marriage is likely to cause psychological and physical harm. If that were true, our health care system would be not only broken, but besieged. A 2002 survey found that 93 percent of American adults had had premarital sex by the age of 30.

In addition to provoking shame about a nearly universal activity, abstinence-only sex education is ineffective and dangerous. Last April, a 10-year study found that students who took abstinence-only courses were no more likely to abstain from sex than other students. Previous studies revealed that abstinence-only students avoid using contraception.

Programs in public schools teach patently false information like 'the chances of getting pregnant with a condom are one out of six' and H.I.V. 'may be in your body for a long time (from a few months to as long as 10 years or more) before it can be detected.'

The results are tragic. The United States has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the developed world (about the same as Ukraine’s), and the highest abortion rate in the Western world. Sexually transmitted infections like syphilis and gonorrhea are on the rise for the first time since the 1980s, and chlamydia is being diagnosed twice as often as it was a decade ago.

Among Americans living in poverty — those who might see the $4 price of a three-pack of condoms as the take-home pay for an hour of work at minimum wage — the unintended pregnancy rate has increased 30 percent since 1994. Our teenage pregnancy and abortion rates have declined during the last decade, but research suggests this is mainly because of increased use of condoms, something young people must learn about outside of school.

By dropping the financing for abstinence-only sex ed, Congress could save enough money to insure 150,000 children a year. And it would also demonstrate much needed resolve to protect all aspects of children’s health."

I can't believe that in 2008 some people still have such old-fashioned views and are turning a blind eye to the evidence and the social reality around them. Scary.


  1. Det är verkligen tråkigt och till och med tragiskt med den syn på sex, sexualundervisning och överhuvudtaget hela den här avhållsamhetsgrejen med tonåringar som ska lova och skriva kontrakt. Siffrorna talar ju för sig själv, som också nämns i ditt inlägg och artikeln så har ju USA ett skrämmand högt antal tonårsgraviditeter och även aborter.
    Här i USA finns fortfarande mycket att göra på den här fronten, helt klart är det landet bakom i det här avseendet.
    Jag tycker dock det händer en hel del, alla studier som visar på motsatsen (avhållssamhet funkar inte) blir fler och fler, får större genomslag, mer mediautrymme, Bushpengarna ifrågasätta mer och mer, och det blir fler och fler skolor (samt delstater) som inte tar emot Bushpengarna längre utan vill köra sitt egna race istället. Människor gillar inte att deras skattepengar går till nåt som uppenbarligen inte fungerar (ju fler studier som kommer fram och "överbevisar" ,desto bättre) utan vill att skattepengarna ska gå till annat. Sen är ju landet stort och det kommer väl alltid finnas x-antal miljoner här som inte går att förändra utan kommer hålla fast vid sina gammalmodiga övertygelser för alltid...

  2. Oj, tror jag råkade komma till att stänga kommentarfönstret innan min kommentar var helt skickad. Hmm...

    Vad jag skrev var dock att jag är helt enig; det är skrämmande! Men skönt att fler och fler röster ändå tycks höjas, som Anne skriver.

  3. Anne - Jag hoppas att du har rätt! Att det börjar förändras. Men jag är lite skeptisk. Ibland tycker jag det snarare pekar i motsatta riktningen, särskilt när man senaste två åren eller så pratat en hel del om abort och att det finns risk att högsta domstolen skulle upphäva Roe v. Wade. Fast det är nog överdrivna farhågor. Men det bevisar ändå att debatten finns där om sådant som man i många andra länder anser sig vara självklart, t ex rätten till preventivmedel, abort och sexualundervisning m m. Men hoppas att din poäng om skattepengarna stämmer. Att i slutändan röstar folk med plånboken.

    Lullun - Svaret till Anne är för dig också!

  4. Very interesting read indeed! I am not so much for avoiding sexual education, but we also need to look at what women especially are taught outside the school, by commercials and tv and films and that is to jump right into it.... have sex I mean.

    Waiting till a girl is ready is hardly never seen anywhere, and if it is, it is so uncool. A lot of women, and I am not only talking about young girls in their late teens and 20s, but much older than that have sex with guys to keep them in the relationship if they have one, or think they have one, or just to get the guys into one.

    I read another article about the hormones that rule a woman and what happens to her when she has sex... that was scary, because women immediately feel there is a bond to the man they've slept with and despite his shortcomings they see none of them... whereas the guy operatates totally different, for him each woman is something to be conquered and as soon as he gets his sex fix, because this is what it translates to, then he is ready to move on to the next woman. So while the woman gets attached, because her hormonal system works that way, a man is ready to leave!

    How scary is that? and for those who dont believe this, well think back to the guys it took you ages if not years to get over... there is an explanation.

    The hormone is called ocytocin and if you google it you will see what comes up, love hormone, bonding hormone etc, and it can rule your mind and body for a couple of years...

    So the point I am making? Yes go for the sexual education, but there are other reasons too one should abstain, not religious, but to protect your heart and emotional stability!

    This was a long comment

  5. Sotiriadou - I had missed your comment. Thanks! Interesting!
