Sunday, July 31, 2011

Little Dancer

Do you remember that Isolde's working/blog name was Belly Dancer?! She hasn't shown any interest in belly dancing per se yet but as you can see she seems to enjoy So You Think You Can Dance! Or maybe it has something to do with her parents meeting through a mutual friend - Sabina - who's a dancer! Or maybe being allowed to watch TV even for a few minutes is a hoot!


  1. Miranda
    Oh my goodness! She watches tv so intently so young! Best throw it out of the window now! lol

  2. Miranda - Haha, well, he's not really that interested usually but this was fun apparently! Even when the jury was just talking!

  3. Dansa OCH sjunga tror jag minsann! Söt hon är! :)

  4. Marie - Det kanske är sjunga hon gör, ja :)
