Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Annunziata Rees-Mogg or Richard Grosvenor Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax

The British Tories (Conservatives) may in all likelihood be winning the UK general election in May (or early June; exact date to be announced soon), yet they struggle to overcome their image of a party for the elite and the posh. Recently one of the Conservative Members of Parliament (MP) spoke publicly on the "ghastliness of people in standard-class train cars" and said he was in favour of allocating funds to allow politicians to travel in first class. The Tory party leader David Cameron was quick to disassociate himself with the MP's opinions but with these party colleagues it may be difficult to completely shread the snob stamp:

Many old-time Tories are leaving Parliament this year, including the unrepentantly first-class-loving Sir Nicholas [the MP]. But there are more waiting in the wings. Last year, worried about how an impeccably pedigreed Tory candidate named Annunziata Rees-Mogg would go over with hoi polloi, Mr. Cameron suggested that she might want to campaign under the name “Nancy Mogg”

She refused, although, to be fair, another candidate, the spectacularly named Richard Grosvenor Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax, dutifully "de-toffed" himself by downgrading to “Richard Drax” on campaign posters.

Meanwhile, Ms. Rees-Mogg’s brother, Jacob, a banker who is also running for Parliament and who appears to believe he belongs to the “Brideshead Revisited” era, having once taken his childhood nanny with him on the campaign trail, went on television to denounce Mr. Cameron’s plan to get more women and minorities elected as the triumph of “potted plants” over “intellectually able people".


  1. Ibland överträffar engelsmän som är allvarliga sina bästa skämt!

  2. Det finns något avsnitt av Coupling där det kommer fram att Patric är en torie, mycket roligt avsnitt, som alla är iofs...
    Nu kommer jag antagligen att befinna mig på Metropol vid odenplan hela måndagen, så har du tid kan jag ta med mig krämerna dit, om du vill, så är det ju bara att du tittar förbi och hämtar dem... ska kolla lite mer vilken tid jag ska vara där från och med, men..

  3. Hahaha, ja hjälp, vilken era lever de i? Tacka vet jag Svensson mot Plinkett-Plunkett-Crax-Flax!


  4. Leopardia - Jag har inte sett så mycket Coupling med det är kul, en av Peters favoriter. Jag har dock inte sett just detta avsnitt.

    På måndag befinner jag mig på Maldiverna så då kan jag inte ses :) Men efter den 6 april!

    Marianne - Det finns ju några roliga svenska politiker också, t ex Walburga Habsburg Douglas http://www.riksdagen.se/webbnav/index.aspx?nid=1111&iid=0181728423812
    Men det är ju inte riktigt lika roligt! :)

