Sunday, April 29, 2012

Little Gardener

We're at the country house over the long weekend (Valborg, the celebration of spring's arrival, followed by May Day), our first time time since autumn. I'm so happy we could go because a few days we thought chicken pox was in the house and that we'd have to stay home. But looks like it was just a reaction to the MMR vaccination a week ago and today she's fever free (and we've learnt how alert children can be despite 40.3 temperature). Today was a sunny albeit a bit chilly day and Peter helped his parents with the spring cleaning of the garden while I took care of the little helper (?) and read in the sunshine while Isolde was sleeping.


  1. Skönt att se att Isolde är frisk, hon ser ut att ha stadigt bra grepp om skottkärran. mamma/mormor

  2. Klart hon ska vara med o hjälpa till! Hon är verkligen duktig! :)

  3. Mamma - Hon var lite trött men annars pigg. Konstigt egentligen att de kan ha 38 i feber på kvällen (och 40 kvällen innan!) och sedan vara feberfri på morgonen!

    Miss Marie - Vet inte hur mycket hjälp hon var, mer själp tror jag, men kul hade hon i alla fall. Fast det var lite läskigt att åka skottkärra!
