Thursday, October 13, 2011

Books Etc.

Finally I have had a chance to play detective and find out who my secret book friend is (I participated in the book exchange Pocket & prassel in case you don't remember) even though the package arrived over a week ago. I think it's Mrs E who's the culprit!

Look at the lovely content!  In addition to the book - which sounds really good - and a film that I haven't seen either, I got some tasty licorice (all gone already!), chocolate (almost gone!) and tea, a shopping list note pack, ribbon and a little gadget for curling ribbon (can't wait to try it!) and a nice card.

Thank you!


  1. Å vilket trevligt paket!
    Var det den chokladen vi mumsade på i söndags? :)

  2. Du gissade rätt, bra jobbat! Kul att du gillade innehållet - tror du kommer gilla boken :-)

  3. Västmanländskan - Helt perfekt!

    Anna - Precis! Visst var den god!

    Mrs E - Har inte börjat läsa boken än men till jul kanske!
