Wednesday, September 21, 2005

So that's why I don't get much done!

On a recent business trip I passed time on a BA flight by reading their in-flight business magazine, where I came across an interesting column by Viv Groskop, "All in a week's work". It starts:

"Mastering the working week is a delicate balance between industry and indolence. Thanks heavens for Tuesdays, or we'd never get anything done."

All week we count down to Friday, 5-4-3-2-1! Monday is the first day after the weekend. We're more tired than rested and need the day to "get ready" for work. Apparently it has even been proven that fewer emails are sent and received on Mondays than any other day of the week. This works for phone calls too so don't make any important calls on Mondays.

Wednesdays is the worst day of the week. Suddenly you realise that Oh, my God, it's already Wednesday and I haven't done half of what I should do this week! The weekend isn't so close but it's still too late to achieve that which you had originally set out to do before the weekend. "Most Wednesdays are paralysed with indecision. Should you work really seriously and hard or should you just postpone everything to next Monday when you'll have a clear week ahead of you again?" Needless to say, most opt for the latter.

Thursday, you are beyond the crisis stage; there's not even a need to panic. You just have to accept that it will have to wait until next week. Thursday is also the day when you can take a sick-day without anyone getting suspicious. If you are at the office, don't those drawers need to be cleaned out? And what about those business card from that conference; they need to go into the CRM.

"Fridays are obviously a joke. To all intents and purposes they are the first day of the weekend, which just happens to be spent in the office." Meetings held on Fridays are pointless. Sometimes important things happen and you'll almost think it's Tuesday, but then you remember and calm down.

So Tuesdays are the only days when actual work is done. Why? Because: "It is the day you realise that you did not do anything on Monday and already a fifth of the week has passed. But, unlike with Wednesdays, it's not too late." So Tuesday is the busy, busy day. You make 27 calls and send 89 emails...


  1. Hello,

    I just discovered a new business magazine called $1,000,000aire Blueprints that is unlike any other out there. It's all about self-made millionaires who have started from nothing and are now extremely successful. Not only do they take you step-by-step through their journey, but they give you contact names, phone numbers and Web sites to people who can help you start your own business. Fantastic magazine-a MUST read!

  2. Oh yes, I must rush and out get a copy of this magazine which is going to make me rich rich rich.

    Why do these spam mailers always assume we want to get RICHER? I'd rather be remembered for brokering world peace.

    Are we just a race of altruists in a money-mad world?

  3. I don't even understand how I can get spam after I have turned word verification on??!! Perhaps it's a friend who seriously wants me to look at this magazine??

  4. I am interested in the Monday claim that the magazine article made because I find it to be the other way around. Now, I know that I am an e-mail addict who checks it 10 or more times a day, everyday, but it seems to me that normal people (unlike me) would be doing more, not less work-related (and otherwise) e-mailing on Mondays. For one, people are getting assignments for the week, dealing with some of the messages that they did not get to last week and so on...

  5. Nonna: Well, the magazine article did have some statistical proof but who knows? Maybe we do send a lot of emails on Mondays but mostly private? Or perhaps stuff that's week overdue to it's not really "new"..

  6. Or you just try and get through the day (Monday) as quickly as possible... Then on Tuesday you deal with everything (I do anyway). Talking of Tuesdays, here are a few lines from the episode "The Sniffing Accountant" (Seinfeld)

    *Jerry, Kramer and Newman in the Saab*

    Kramer: What's today?

    Newman: It's Thursday.

    Kramer: Really? Feels like Tuesday.

    Newman: Tuesday has no feel. Monday has a feel, Friday has a feel, Sunday has a feel....

    Kramer: I feel Tuesday and Wednesday...

    I feel great by the way... It´s Friday!!! //Suvi
