Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Sectarian Religion

Jehova's Witness paid me a visit tonight (unsolicited of course):

JW: "I have a text here called the Bible that you may have read."
Me: "Well, I think I have heard of it, it rings a bell..." Duh!

No, I was polite and after about three "no thank you, I'm not interested", off they went.

I can't see anyone who would actually invite them in and on top of that, join, but since they are still doing house calls, it must be successful somehow because why would they otherwise keep on doing it??

Another one of these religious sects (which is what they really are) that I cannot understand anyone would join is the Scientology Church. How come all (okay, many) celebrities are drawn to it? After the Tom Cruise debacle of this year many stars have fallen from my sky.


  1. When they come to our gate, I ask them to pop their reading material in the letter box, and they do, then

    I ask if they need a 'donation', they say no. And that's it.

  2. Well, I opened the door before peeping to see who it was.. so it was too late.

  3. My grandmother used to invite them in, give them a cup of tea, and then convert them to Methodism. It was a cruel and often extremely spectacular exercise which was highly entertaining.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. That's hilarious! I don't have the energy or stamina to do that though

  6. I like aunty marianne's grandma :-D

    My dad used to lecture them until you can see the weariness creep up in their eyes.
