Thursday, March 28, 2013


Harald turned 6 weeks on Tuesday (I know, time flies!). He's growing quickly - his latest weigh-in (which was yesterday, together with an early two-month doctor's appointment) was 4,670 gr. He has now just about caught up with Isolde at the same age. Here's how they compare:

Birth weight: 2,805 (Isolde 3,365)
6 days old: 2,640 (Isolde 3,498)
1 week, 2 days: 2,700 (Isolde 3,470)
1 week, 6 days: 2,950
2 weeks, 6 days: 3,390 (Isolde 3,680 at 2 weeks, 1 day)
5 weeks: 4,340 (Isolde 4,470)
6 weeks, 1 day: 4,670 (Isolde 4,690)

As you can see, Harald gained almost 1 kilo in two weeks, from 3,390 to 4,340, at the previous check-up last week. In terms of length, he's now 55 cm and Isolde was 54 at this age (although their length is always difficult to get correct, compared to their weight).

The days go so quickly! The first month of Harald's life Isolde kept her regular hours at preschool (9:00-16:00) and Peter dropped her off and picked her up. Since 12 March Peter drops her off at 9am and I pick her up by 3pm and some days it feels like I haven't done much by the time I have to go and get her. Especially on the days when I've been up early with both kids (Isolde often wakes up at 5 at the moment... hope it changes to at least 6 now when we change the clocks this weekend) and then gone back to bed at 9 and slept for a couple of hours. After that it's lunch and perhaps an errand or a walk, and suddenly it's 3pm. But don't take me wrong, I'm very grateful Isolde is able to attend preschool even though I'm on parental leave (this wasn't the case before the late 1990s) and the 30-hour entitlement in Stockholm is a luxury. She really loves it there so I'm happy she doesn't have to stay home with boring mum and brother. Though on days that I have plans, e.g. hanging with one of my friends who are also on maternity leave and who have kids the same age as Isolde, she'll have a day off. And she's already been home with me on several occasions due to illness (pink eye and a cold).

On those days, when I've had both children, I feel that I'm neglecting both, albeit at different times. Luckily Harald wants to sleep a lot now in the beginning, because on those days he has had to spend most of the day in his cot while Isolde has got most of my attention. However, often it seems he's desperate to be fed at the very minute I have to make lunch for Isolde or we're having the most fun playing. And then I feel bad for her. She's also been jealous of him, of course, and I don't want to have to say no to her too much. But it's a bit difficult to have her on my lap while I'm breast-feeding... Luckily she's usually content (or has to be content) with sitting close to me and watching TV or reading a book while I feed him. I know I shouldn't feel bad, as she will (eventually) get love and attention also from a devoted little brother, and life is all about learning how to share, but it's difficult to fight off that bad consciousness anyway. I know she's doing fine and that I'm doing my best but it's easy to still feel a bit iadequate. Luckily she has a great dad who devotes most of his evenings to her. Although I wish we could switch kid more in the evening so-to-speak, but the evenings are still one of the main feeding times for Harald (though I plan to start expressing milk so that Peter can feed him too).

I think that is the main "lesson" so far after six weeks as parents of two children; i.e. that life becomes somewhat "divided", at least now in the beginning. Peter takes care of Isolde and I take care of Harald. It's not really like with Isolde when we "discovered" our child together. When Peter was back at work after his two weeks off he reflected over the fact that he had hardly held Harald since he started working again. Lately it's been a bit better though because we're making a conscious effort to make sure I also put Isolde to sleep at night when Harald is content or sleeping anyway (although Isolde is daddy's girl so sometimes she only wants him) and Peter spends some time with Harald when he's not eating (but as you can see from his weight gain above most of his awaken time has been feeding time ha ha :) And once Isolde is down for the night, usually around 8pm, it's the three of us; Harald, Peter and me.

The second lesson is the shared attention aspect I described above. And the time and effort involved in taking care of two children on your own (eloge to single parents!), especially now in the beginning when it's a new situation and Harald doesn't have any "routines". Peter has yet to experience this ha ha! I desperately need a haircut so I plan to leave him with both rascals in the near future so I can look presentable again.

In other and related news, Isolde has entered the terrible twos big time (well, it's probably nothing compared to how it can get and maybe will get as time goes on this year). It started around Christmas and has increased with her turning two and with Harald arriving. She throws tantrums (sometimes with highpitch screaming which we're trying to make her stop doing) when she doesn't get what she wants or when she doesn't want to do what we want her to do, such as get dressed, brush her teeth, eat what's being served, not mess with Harald, and so on. But we're learning how to deal with it and what makes things easier for us - or rather for her and thus for us. Key words are time, preparation and patience. At least if she is to get dressed in the morning without a fight and tears. She wants to do things when she wants to do it and at her pace. So the trick is to let her do that, or rather, have her think that's how it is (or is she still the one manipulating us, who knows? ;) Letting her make the choices - those that a two-year-old can make, e.g. choosing between two outfits, also make getting dressed so much easier. Sometimes she doesn't know what she wants though, and since her language skills leave much to ask for still, it doesn't help her or us. That said, she's very good at getting what she wants by pointing and gestures (just like her dad when he was little apparently). E.g. she can't say "thirsty" or "drink" so she's started doing a pretend cough when she's thirsty. Cute and creative! :)

Besides the occasional scratch (one resulting in a few drops of blood), Isolde has treated Harald well. At first she was a bit bewildered, asking several times a day "what/who is that?", and not that interested in him, and very gentle when touching him. But after a week or two, having become used to his presence, she started looking for and after him, and wanted to pat and cuddle him. She's often be a bit rough because she doesn't understand that she's heavier than him and can't lay on top of him, and she gets carried away. There was one week, around his forth and fifth week, that she was a bit more consciously rough, but that phase soon passed and now she's nice to him most of the time. That said, she still can't be left alone with him and we have to keep constant watch, mainly because she wants to cuddle or she wants to tease and tickle him and she isn't careful enough. We have a very high bed which Isolde hasn't been able to climb up by herself but now she's learnt how to do it - probably encouraged her curiosity and desire to be with him - so now the only safe place for Harald is his cot.

It's really sweet to see them together. Isolde is already looking after him - running to see him as soon as he make a sound and anxious that he wears his socks - and Harald is already watching what his sister is up to. I'm sure he'll be worshipping the ground she walks on in no time! And she will be his protector and boss at the same time ;)

For those who are interested and waiting for it, I promise I will write about the birth soon!


  1. Wow, det var en ordentlig viktuppgång det! Bra jobbat, både du och Harald.
    Så roligt och intressant att läsa om hur ni har det. Låter ju toppen att Isolde får vara så mycket på förskolan också. Här är det 15 timmar för de barn som fått syskon. Men så är det, kanske att det beror på att fler i småstäder har sina egna föräldrar på samma ort.
    Kan inte vara lätt att dela uppmärksamheten när man är liten, men som sagt - de lär sig. Och det är ju en bra lärdom! Att kunna dela och vänta påsin tur. Men jag förstår också det dåliga samvetet som föräldrar, det finns ju där ibland även med bara ett barn. Att man inte ger tillräckligt med uppmärksamhet för att man måste göra annat.
    Ha nu en riktigt skön påskhelg och många kramar till er.

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  3. Det var en riktigt imponerande viktuppgång! Så skönt att det har funkat.

    Jag minns hur det var den där första tiden när M börjat jobba och jag själv skulle lämna och hämta och däremellan försöka hinna mata tvillingarna, kanske diska och eventuellt duscha själv. Och när jag hämtade ville Stor-S inte gå hem utan leka vidare och väl hemma hade jag inte tid att leka med henne heller för tvillingarna skulle äta igen. Konstant dåligt samvete har man! Men det blir bättre! Snart blir det varmare också och då kan ni stanna i en lekpark på väg hem och kanske fika och gunga och då blir det kanske inte lika mycket stress för dig som att vara hemma och försöka mata samtidigt som du ska underhålla Isolde?

    Jag måste också vara ärlig och säga att jag tycker att det är rätt skönt att du skriver detta inlägg för jag minns när jag själv gjorde det och skrev att det var så jobbigt att jag inte hann med Stor-S och att det var lite svårt att hinna med nåt alls när det blivit syskontid på förskolan. Jag fick 30 kommentarer där folk skrev att jag var bortskämd och hade jag skaffat de här barnen så fick jag faktiskt ta hand om dem också. Sällan har jag blivit så ledsen och sårad av reaktionerna på något jag skrivit. Det är jättejobbigt att bli flerbarnsförälder och att tampas med det dåliga samvetet över att det känns som att man inte hinner med att uppmärksamma något barn alls. 30 timmar är bättre än 15 - självklart! Folk säger ofta att det bara är pedagogisk verksamhet i ungefär 3 timmar per dag, men det är faktiskt inte bara den som är värdefull tycker jag. Det är ju faktiskt också möjligheten att få leka.

    I den staden där vi bor nu är det 15 timmar men man får själv bestämma när de ska ligga. På vår förskola är de också väldigt schyssta och låter min kompis som fick barn i höstas, ha sin äldre dotter där lite olika tider från vecka till vecka för att det ska funka för dem i familjen - mkt schysst och generöst tycker jag.
