Monday, December 10, 2007

Feminist Inspiration

I attended a very interesting lecture by Nawal El-Saadawi tonight. El-Saadawi is a leading Egyptian feminist, sociologist, medical doctor and writer on Arab women's problems. She is one of the most widely translated contemporary Egyptian writers, with her work available in twelve languages.

I just wanted to share a few of the interesting points she made (in the order they were raised):
  • I don't like the term "the Middle East". Middle to whom? If we call it the "Middle West" people laugh but why? When I go to America I say that I go to the "Far West".
  • We don't live in a post-colonial world; it is neo-colonial.
  • There are global and local dictators. Local dictators imitate global ones.
  • I challenge the concepts of "democracy", "diversity" and "multi-culturalism". They divide people. They are words of post-modernism, which in turn is neo-colonial.
  • Condoleeza Rice is biologically a woman but when you open up her brain, George Bush is there.
  • Nakedness and veiling are two sides of the same coin = the paradox of the woman's body. Plastic surgery is the post-modern veil, the veil of the body.
  • The father (or the [male] teacher, professor, etc.) is the representative of the divine power.
  • Religion (Christianity) has caused a split between body and spirit. The woman is associated with body, physical and feeling, while the man is spirit, mind and thinking. Eve ate from the tree of knowledge and became a sinner. Why was knowledge condemned?
  • One cannot get away from the history of patriarchy in the bedroom.
  • If someone says they are apolitical it means they are political but that they are hiding their politics. Everything is political.
  • The education is system is based on fragmented knowledge. We specialise. We are not organised and united. But a physician must know why people get sick.
  • We must believe that things are possible. The veil of the mind is the most dangerous.
  • God is my conscious. Religion has no meaning if one does not do anything. If one just goes to church/mosque or read the bible/quran but never works for justice, is one then saved by religion/God?
  • The religious backlash is a political backlash.
  • A woman cannot marry two men because then one won't know who is the father of her children. The father's name is important. We should give the mother's name to children instead.
  • There is a difference between sexual liberation and economic and political liberation. Women have the first but not the latter [not even in Sweden].


  1. Sa precis till min sambo häromdagen att jag saknar att plugga för att man fick höra kloka o tankeväckande saker men jämna mellanrum. Blir avundsjuk på din kväll!

    Måste börja jaga föreläsningar!

  2. Jag kände likadant på mitt förra jobb (konsult, som jag avslutade för snart två år sedan). Nu får jag utlopp för det även i mitt arbete (idag ska jag bl a gå på en hearing om Sveriges kärnkraftsavfall) men även genom att gå på kvällsföreställningar. Jag prenumerar på nyhetsbrev från alla möjliga organisationer - tips till dig är att skriva upp dig på en massa såna!

  3. Father representative of the divine power.


    She's obviously not met my mother.

  4. Nyhetsbrev är ett superbra tips, det hade jag glömt...så bra du påminde mig. Jag tror bestämt jag ska leta fram lite intressanta ställen/organisationer och börja prenumera på lite nyhetsbrev igen. Bra tips!

  5. Vilken intressant föreläsning det verkar ha varit! Jag har läst dina sammanfattande punkter flera gånger nu och det väcker en väldigt massa funderingar.
    Förresten, ser att du har the Black Book i din "läser just nu"-lista. Är den bra?

  6. Marianne: Ha ha, then your family home is like how Nawal wants it to be!

  7. Anne: Det är så jag kände också! Jag har snackat om föreläsningen med flera vänner och kollegor sedan i måndags.

    Jag började med "The Black Book" för länge sedan men har inte haft tid eller läst annat under tiden. Jag tycker den är bra men han har ju en särskild stil. Skriver långa meningar men en massa bisatser. Han kommer ifrån ämnet hela tiden, så en liten historia får sin upplösning flera kapitel senare.

  8. Vill bara önska dig/er en trevlig resa!!! Hoppas ni får en riktig skön semester!
    Det bär väl av endera dagen nu...
