Tuesday, June 12, 2007

High Up In the Sky

Luckily we had our adventure already a week before Upp & Ner really lived up to its slogan "go on the adventure of your lifetime"! (For those of you who don't understand the Swedish in the article, the balloons were caught in sudden bad weather) Our trip went really smoothly, we hardly had any wind even and made it 2 km in 1 hour! But it was fun anyway, everything from having to put the balloon together to the view from 400 metres up in the sky!


  1. Wow, it looks amazing. I would really like to try it some time, but after the accident, I don't know if I have the guts to go through with it though... Wasn't it a bit scary?

  2. No, it wasn't scary at all. Well the burner was quite scary because it got so hot. Especially when we started. We ducked down in the basket and missed the take-off :) But otherwise it was just very pleasant. And doing all the prep work was fun too.

  3. The pictures are gorgeous I especially like the last one. *wave*wave * hello hello...hope you enjoyed the balloon ride

  4. Vad fint fotot blev av dig och Peter uppe i luften!

    Janne, min pilot, har jobbat lite på Upp & Ner, det är en kompis till honom som har det företaget. Fast, alla ballongpiloter i Sverige känner nog varandra, de är nog inte så många!

    Vi hade inte heller så mycket vind när jag flög, men jag var rätt tacksam för det!

    Visst är det ändå häftigt!

  5. Marianne - Tack :) Tror nog som du att det är en liten bransch och alla känner (till) alla! Det var i alla fall en häftig upplevelse! Jag hade nog gärna haft lite mer vind dock :)
