Sunday, March 19, 2006


Would you do it?

Top Five Female Ops

  1. Breast surgery. Resizing or reshaping under full anesthetic; 1 or 2 nights in hospital, stitches out in 7-14 days
  2. Rhinoplasty. Nose reshaping, needs an overnight stay and 7-10 days for the swelling to subside
  3. Liposuction. Fat removal under local anesthetic takes 1-2 hours; anoterh week or two for the area to heal
  4. Blepharoplasty. Excess tissue around the eye is surgically removed; stitches removed in 3-7 days
  5. Abdominoplasty. Surgery to remove excess skin and fat from the belly; needs 2 weeks off work and lots of bed rest

Top Five Male Ops

  1. Rhinoplasty. Nose reshaping is the most popular op
  2. Liposuction. To reduce breast size or get a flatter belly
  3. Blepharoplasty. Men also dislike saggy, baggy eyes and laugh lines
  4. Otoplasty. Ear reshaping by removing skin and cartilage and restitching into place. In bandages for a week
  5. Penis enlargement. A small incision at the base can extend flaccid size by about 2,5 cm; body-fat cells can be implanted to increase girth. Expect a week off work and no heavy lifting for a month

* Source: Harley Medical Group / Time


  1. Never say never, but my answer is no, I wouldn't do it. :)

  2. I would maybe consider blepharoplasty, i.e. removing fat tissue around the eye because that's a problem running in my family. I actually had to remove some on my eye when I was a baby.

  3. I'm with you. Blepharoplasy is the only one I would consider.

  4. As Nisha said, never said never, but right now the answer is no. On the other had, I have always hated my chin. If had lots of extra money lying around (heh!), I might be tempted to remodel it. However, when I think the chin/ the jaw would actually have to broken to do something about it...No, I will stick with my old chin :-)

  5. Considering penis enlargement is the no 5 male nip/tuck, those spammers must get quite a good feedback

  6. You're paying? Good. Everything. Off with everything.

  7. Nah, this bank is closed. Besides, once you get the A job at the Commission you'll be a rich girl!

  8. No, but I guess that is easy to say now...

  9. True. When we're 50 and everything is past its best-before date, then we may think differently..

  10. I think Rhinoplasty is the most ironic type of surgery...

    Do people who probably already have some hang-ups about their noses really need to hear that they will be getting rhinoplasty?
