Thursday, September 13, 2012

Slapped Cheek Disease

Isolde has now been back at pre-school for two days after her second bout with germs since starting in August.  The first week was induction, the second week she was sick for a few days and then attended Wednesday-Friday, and the third week she was there Monday-Tuesday and Wednesday they called at lunch time and said she had a fever.  We thought she would recover over the weekend but Monday she still had a temperature and Tuesday was needed as a "almost well"- day (they want them to have a fever-free day before returning if possible), so Wednesday was her first day this week.

On Monday we took her to the doctor since she'd had a pretty high fever except a few dips since Wednesday and it didn't seem to be going away (though that evening it was all gone of course), and they confirmed our suspicions (based on some Internet research) that she had the so-called fifth disease, also called slapped cheek disease due to the particular look of the facial rash that comes with it (its Hungarian name, butterfly pox, illustrates better what the rash looked like). 

We have never had to take her to the doctor before (except the regular health and development checks) and I was very happy to see that they did a thorough job.  In addition to examining her and listening to her heart and lungs, etc. they took a saliva swab test to make sure it wasn't tonsillitis (she seemed to have a sore throat) and also a blood sample (index finger quick one) to check for infection (sänkan, whatever that's called in English), but both turned out negative. 

Today Peter's mum picked Isolde up from pre-school as Peter's in Switzerland for work and I had a work thing until 6pm and when I got home Isolde was in a fantastic mood (and had been all afternoon according to farmor) and we had a really nice evening together until bedtime.  We were playing and cuddling and it seemed like she was trying to telling me stories - of pre-school perhaps? - in her way (since she doesn't have a big vocabulary yet).  She's been very impatient and throwing a lot of tantrums lately - probably partly because there's been a lot of change and she's also approaching that age and partly because she hasn't been completely well over the last couple of weeks - so it was wonderful to see a different little girl tonight. 

Considering she had only been at the pre-school for 5½ days before this week she's been doing reasonably well there.  She cries when I drop her off (and starts when we enter that strip of the street) and she's been spending a lot of time with the teachers and she gets upset if she wants to sit on their lap in between playing for a while and they are occupied with another child.  But she's napping and eating and I think it's a good sign that she wants to sit and cuddle with the teachers.  In a couple of weeks time teher should hopefully be fewer tears and more playtime.


  1. aha, slapped cheek har bada mina barn haft och jag har alltid undrat vad man kallar det i sverige (femte sjukan?) eftersom jag aldrig hort nagot namna det dar. Stackars liten som varit dalig! Det ar val en klassiker tyvarr nar de borjar pa dagis. Det ar ratt tufft bade for barnen och foraldrarna innan alla vant sig vid det nya. Kram!

  2. Oh poor girl hope she completely get well soon. You cant avoid infectious diseases once kids started pre school or whatever where other kids are

  3. Aldrig hört talas om den sjukdomen! Vad heter det på svenska?

    Krya på sig nu söta Isolde!

  4. Millan - Det kallas femte sjukan men "slapped cheek" är ju ett bättre namn. Hon har inte varit så mycket sjuk tidigare så vi har i alla fall varit lyckligt lottade hittills. Nu har hon iaf varit frisk hela veckan så hoppas det håller i sig!

    Jin Kyung - You're right, it's unavoidable. Hope she builds up her immune system now.

    - Den heter femte sjukan. Jag hade inte heller hört talas om den men min mamma som är förskollärare hade det. Kram!

  5. Sista meningen var till dig Marianne
